
In 2015 MPI expanded its Solvent System Capabilities in its Indiana Manufacturing Operation

Solvent systems offer many advantages:

Using Tin and Platinum catalysts particularly, solvent systems offer greater flexibility across a wider range of adhesives, smooth release, and no initiation spike. These systems allow the end users to retain the topography of textured substrates as well as cure at lower temperatures allowing films like Polypropylene and HDPE as options. The lower coating depositions allowed with these systems allows for a greater reduction in Si migration.

Solvent release systems are used widely across a broad spectrum of applications, especially with highly tackified adhesives in automotive and industrial applications. Many medical applications using hydrogel adhesives use solvent chemistry. The addition of solvent release systems gives MPI Release the complete offerings of release chemistries to the marketplace and allows us to be a “one stop shop” for our customers and a potential reduction in end-user SKUs. This is critical to successfully developing customized release systems and products for our wide range of customers.